How open are you to The Universe, God, Source, Spirit, whatever it is you believe in, to work magic in your life?
Personally, I am quite connected to Source, and when I get the intuitive hits, I listen and act immediately - only because ignoring the signs, and my intuition in the past cost me dearly. Or did it? Because had I listened, I likely wouldn't have gone on to create Worthy Wands which was result of very painful season in my life. If you haven't read how my Worthy Wands came to be, you can check out my story here.
Last month, I had a beautiful opportunity to connect with another gorgeous soul who shares a similar mission as me, which is to empower EVEN more people to feel WORTHY and ENOUGH.
When I heard about his story, and felt his heart - I knew we were destined to join forces.
Rob Woods is a formerly incarcerated musician who has dedicated his life to giving back to his community in Los Angeles. He has a movement called "The Worthy Movement," located in the heart of skid row where he gives free hair cuts, meals, and WORTHY shirts to the residents. His mission is to touch people and make sure that they know they are Worthy of receiving love and kindness.
He had me at Worthy of Love - In case you didn't know, that's what my name means. ❤️
But it goes beyond that, a few weeks ago we had a phone call because I wanted to get to know him and his mission better - we all have a story right? and he shared something that was just so profound, he said - "What do you think would have happened if all the men in prison had WORTHY shirts on, or LOVE shirts, instead of whatever color and stripes that they give you to make you feel UNWORTHY? He said, could you imagine going out into the yard or the meal hall and seeing a sea of WORTHY men?!"
That statement right there is why I am so passionate about my @worthywands because if people felt WORTHY + felt ENOUGH, there would be no war. There would be no crime, there would be no trolls - why? because when you feel WORTHY you lead with love, kindness, abundance, and just want everyone else to feel that way too.
From a place of high self worth we aren't competing and comparing ourselves against perfect strangers, friends, family because source our worthiness internally, as self worth is a result of knowing who we are, and believing that we're ENOUGH. Our only competition is who we were yesterday, and friends that's true freedom!
On our call, Rob told me he was heading back to Skid Row the 22nd of May, to hand out WORTHY shirts and food, and offer hair-cuts to those in need. I decided that I wanted to be a part of the magic that he was creating and packed up 50 Worthy Wands for Rob to hand out to some WORTHY folks who might be hard on their luck, but are still WORTHY of LOVE.
Here's the magic that unfolded.
My heart with this video -
God, creator, spirit, whatever you believe in is amazing, it took two very different people, from two very different worlds and put them together in order to make a bigger impact.
Be open to the universe using your gifts this week. 🙏
All my love,
Amanda xo